MEN AND ME (2019)
performance, 20 min

The auto-fictional solo “Men and me” starts with several confessions by the performer. With an ambiguously distorted voice she recounts her childhood misconceptions of the male anatomy, growing up without a father, her relationship with her mother and failed pubescent developmental stages.

During the second part two psychoanalytical sessions are recreated with male audience members as stand-ins. They lead to the transgression of a surprise french kiss, separated only through the gallery window. Finally the performer lip-syncs to a cover version of “I want you to want me”.

shown at
LABOR Ebertplatz, Cologne as part of the exhibition A POTENTIAL DISASTER together with works by Esther Janssen Nov 08th-29th 2019

NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf, “Hitting Puberty”, 15 years of Stiftung imai, Inter Media Art Institut, Sep 11th 2021